1\Help in configuring your sound card. 2\If you do not know the configuration of your sound card 3\If you use MS-DOS or Windows 3.1 or 3.11 4\ If you use Windows 95 5\ If you want to uninstall or reinstall IZNOGOUD 6\ Memory problems (RAM) 7\ Error message for the mouse in DOS or Windows 3.1 or 3.11 8\ VESA Mode not supported 9\ UNIVBE 5.3 Installation if you have a graphic problem 10\ Windows 95 \ image freezing during animation 11\ Windows 95 \ returning to the desktop during the game 12\ TSR for WINDOWS 95, WINDOWS 3.x and DOS 13\ If you have installed Memmaker 14\ If can not resolve your problem 1\Help in configuring your sound card. The programme first attempts to detect automatically if you have a SoundBlaster or SoundBlaster-compatible sound card in your computer. Even if you have a SoundBlaster card, the programme may fail to find it or propose the wrong settings. In both situations, you will have to manually indicate to the programme the type and settings of your sound card. Some sound cards are compatible with the SoundBlaster standard, for example the "Microsoft Sound System", "Ensonic Soundscape" and the "Pro Audio Spectrum" sound cards. If your sound card appears among the cards in the list, select it rather than choosing "SoundBlaster (or compatible)" to obtain the best sound quality. 2\If you do not know the configuration of your sound card To function correctly, IZNOGOUD needs to know the type and certain settings of your sound card. The settings are: - the port (or port address) - the IRQ (or interrupt) - the DMA (or DMA channel) After selecting your type of sound card, the programme will then display a list of possible values and ask you to choose among them for three settings. Note: On certain sound cards (e.g Microsoft Sound System) the program only requires the port adress. Other sound cards have more than one DMA channel (e.g Sound Blaster 16). When the installation programme asks you to enter the DMA value, choose the value of the high DMA (HDMA) of your sound card. If you do not know the values for the configuration of your sound card even after opening the SYSTEM.INI file in the Windows directory, try the "Default" option. The default values are for the most common type of sound card that you have selected. This set of values should work in most cases. After selecting the three settings, click on "Test" to check the configuration. You should then be able to hear music from IZNOGOUD. If the message "Sound card not detected" appears, then the configuration that you have selected does not correspond to your sound card or your computer's settings do not enable the card to be detected. If the message "Testing" appears, but you do not hear any sound, check the volume control on your sound card. If the message "Testing" appears, but you do not hear any sound, your computer may have frozen. If, after 30 seconds, your computer does not produce any music, turn it off and then reboot it. Then choose other settings and try again. This situation may occur if you have started the installation programme from Windows 95. In any case, it is preferable to know the settings of your sound card before starting the test. If you have any doubts, choose the option "No sound card". You can then restart the installation programme to reconfigure your sound card. If you have no idea of the settings of your sound card, follow the procedure below to find them. 3\If you use MS-DOS or Windows 3.1 or 3.11 - Your sound card should have been delivered with a test and configuration utility so that you can determine the three required settings (Port, IRQ and DMA or HDMA). - If not, refer to your sound card's documentation. If you do not have any documentation for your card, you can still obtain this information by using the EDIT command (in DOS) or Write (in Windows 3.1 or 3.11) to open the SYSTEM.INI file in the Windows directory. For example (in case of the Sound Blaster AWE32), the following lines can be found in the file SYSTEM.INI: port=260 int=5 DmaChannel=1 HDmaChannel=7 midiport= 300 You now have the following three values: Port address = 260 Interrupt (IRQ) = 5 DMA = 7 - Once you have obtained this information, start the installation programme again by following the procedure below: - Exit Windows if you are in Windows. - Put yourself in the hard disk directory where you have installed IZNOGOUD. For example, if you have installed IZNOGOUD on your C: hard drive in the IZNODEMO directory, type C: and then press Return then type CD \IZNODEMO and press Return. - To start the installation programme, type INSTALL and then press Return. - Type in your sound card's configuration settings. - Then to start the game, type IZNODEMO and press Return. 4\ If you use Windows 95 - In the Start menu, choose "Settings", then "Control Panel" - In the window that appears, double click on the "System" icon; then click on the "Device Manager" tab. - Double click on the line "Sound, video and game controller" to bring up the list of peripherals. - Select the peripheral for your sound card and then click on "Properties". - Then click on the "Resources" tab. - Under the line "Resource Settings", you will see a list of values for your sound card. - The first value following "Input-Output Range" is the port address. - The next value, "Interruption Request (IRQ)", is the IRQ. - The next following value, "Direct Access to Memory (DMA)", is the DMA. - Write down these values. You will type them in when requested by the installation programme. - Then click on "Cancel" twice to exit the "Control Panel". - Then double click on the IZNOGOUD CD-ROM icon (in the "My Computer" window). - Click on the button "Configure" to start the installation programme again. - Enter the three settings that you wrote down above. - Click on the button "Play" to start IZNOGOUD. 5\ If you want to uninstall or reinstall IZNOGOUD In Windows 95 - Select UNINSTALL from the menu. In PC-DOS or MS-DOS Delete all the files in the directory in which you have installed IZNOGOUD (for example, deltree C:\IZNODEMO). 6\ Memory problems In PC-DOS or MS-DOS The programme requires 7.5 MB (7500 Kb) of free memory: To check the amount of available memory, type MEM at the C:\ prompt and then press Return. A table like the one below is displayed: Type of memory Total = Used + Free --------------- ------ ----- ------ Conventional 640K 81K 559K Upper 91K 91K 0K Standby 384K 384K 0K Extended (XMS) 7,077K 4,005K 3,072K --------------- ------- ------ ------- Total memory 8,192K 4,561K 3,631K Total under 1 MB 731K 172K 559K Total expanded memory (EMS) 3,072K (3,145,728 bytes) Free expanded memory (EMS) 3,072K (3,145,728 bytes) Maximum size of executable: 559K (572,112 bytes) Maximum block of free upper memory 0K (0 bytes) MS-DOS resident in upper memory (HMA). --------------------------------------------- In the example above, the free extended memory is 3,072 Kb, which is sufficient for the game. If you do not have enough memory, then you must modify the AUTOEXEC.BAT file by typing EDIT C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT from the DOS prompt C:\. Here is an example: ---------- AUTOEXEC.BAT ----------------- SET SOUND=C:\SBPRO SET BLASTER=A260 I5 D1 H1 P330 T6 SET MIDI=SYNTH:1 MAP:E LH C:\SBPRO\SBPSET /P /Q LH C:\DOS\SMARTDRV.EXE /X LH C:\BIN\MSCDEX.EXE /D:CDROM01 /M:15 /E /V set comspec=C:\DOS\COMMAND.COM PATH=C:\UTIL\;C:\DOS;C:\WINDOWS prompt $P$G LH C:\DOS\MOUSE LH C:\DOS\KEYB US,,C:\DOS\KEYBOARD.SYS /ID:189 ------------------------------------------ Place the cursor at the end of the line LH C:\DOS\SMARTDRV.EXE /X and then type 512 128. The line will then read LH C:\DOS\SMARTDRV.EXE /X 512 128. Now, in the File menu, select Exit and then select Yes to validate and save the file. Reboot your computer so that the changes take effect. In DOS at the C:\> prompt, type MEM again and press Return to check that you have more free extended memory (XMS). If you still do not have 7,500 Kb, edit the Autoexec.bat file and type in REM and a space in front of LH C:\DOS\SMARTDRV.EXE /X. 7\ Error message for the mouse in DOS or Windows 3.1 or 3.11 Once again, you must exit Windows 3.1 or 3.11 to play the game. If, when you start the game, the programme tells you the mouse driver is not present, then you must install it. This driver is usually called Mouse.com and activates the mouse in DOS. To find it, you must type, while in DOS, DIR MOUSE.COM /S from the C:\> prompt and then press Return. Please refer to your mouse manual to install it. 8\ VESA Mode not supported Some graphic cards do not have default VESA mode support. MGA Matrox Impression MGA Matrox Impression + ATI Technologies 18800, 28800, Mach32 Ahead A & B Chips & Technologies 82c451/452/453/450, 655x0 Everex EvNR Genoa Systems GVGA OAK Technologies OTI-037C/057/067/077/087 Paradise PVGA1A, WD90C00/10/11/20/21/26A/30/31/33 NCR 77C20/21/22E/32BLT Trident 88/8900/9000/8900CL/8900D/9200CXr/9400CXi/GUI9420 Video7 VEGA, HT208/209/216 Tseng Labs ET3000, ET4000, ET4000/W32 S3 86c911/924/801/805/928 Advance Logic AL2101/2201/2228/2301 SuperVGA MXIC 86000/86010 SuperVGA Primus 2000 SuperVGA RealTek RTG3103/3105/3106 SuperVGA Cirrus Logic CL-GD6205/15/25/35/45, 5402/20/22/24/26/28/29/30/34 UMC 85c408 Hualon HMC86304 Weitek 5086/5186/5286 (on P9000 based boards) Compaq IVGS/AVGA, QVision QV1024/1280 Orchid ProDesigner IIs, Fahrenheit 1280 In most cases, the manufacturer of these cards provides a VESA mode driver. VESA.exe UNIVESA.exe UNIVBE.exe MGAVESA.exe (Matrox) ORCHDVSA.bat (Orchid) If you do not have one, contact your reseller to obtain one. You will find UNIVESA on the CD-ROM. Run the driver before starting IZNOGOUD. 9.\UNIVBE 5.3 Installation if you have a graphic problem Avant toute op‚ration de votre part, nous tenons … pr‚ciser que ne sommes pas responsables des dommages ‚ventuels (et improbables) que ce programme pourrait causer. To install Univbe 5.3 (shareware version) on IZNODEMO CD-ROM, type install from univbe directory in izndedemo directory. SDD53 is the default directory. Tape "uvconfig.exe" et press Enter. When the configuration is done, run univbe.exe. Try to load the game in iznodemo by typing iznodemo, it should be correct. If it works find, you can insert the following line in autoexec.bat file C:\SDD53\UNIVBE.EXE at the end of file. Save the file and restart your computer. If you have any problem by using this program edit the README.TXT file in SDD53 directory. 10\ Windows 95 \ image freezing during animation Your CD-ROM drive may be poorly configured under Windows 95. Go to the Start menu and select Settings and then Control Panel. In the window displayed, double click on the System icon. Then click on the Performance tab. At the bottom on the left, click on File system, then click on the CD-ROM tab. Check that the CD-ROM drive highlighted in "Optimize access pattern for :" has the speed of your CD-ROM drive. If it does not, change the speed (double, triple, quadruple or higher speed). 11\ Windows 95 \ returning to the desktop during the game Check that the screen saver is desactivated. To desactivate the screen saver, place your mouse pointer on an "empty" space. Press the right button of the mouse and choose "Properties". Select the "Screensaver" tab and choose "none". 12\ TSR for WINDOWS 95, WINDOWS 3.x and DOS If you have one or several TSR programs and the game does not start, we advise deactivating them. 13\ If you have installed Memmaker To avoid memory conflicts, do not use it. To remove memmaker, at the C:\> prompt in DOS type: memmaker/undo, then press Enter. 14\ If can not resolve your problem From Windows 3.11, select EXECUTE from FILE menu and type SYSEDIT and press return. Print from the file menu AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS file and send them to the technical support. From Windows 95 select from START menu EXECUTE (RUN) and type SYSEDIT and press return. Print from the file menu AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS file and send them to the technical support.